Trump Administration Proposal Would Increase University Dependence on Foreign Students

Among the many cuts in President Trump’s proposed budget are reductions for the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health, the two chief funders of STEM research in universities. The issue raises fundamental questions that should have been addressed long ago, one of which is the role of foreign students.

As I have said here before, I really enjoy doing research; it’s one of the big attractions of being an academic. But as with most activities in life, money has a distortionary effect on research. In many cases, it causes a professor to cross the line between scholar and entrepreneur (the university being the “business” and NSF/NIH being the “customers”), with the role of the funding changing from providing support for research to becoming the goal of the work. It is common for universities, departments and individual faculty to be judged by “the color of their skin” — their amounts of federal research funding — rather than “the content of their character” — the scientific impact of the work.

This has perverse effects galore. It means, for instance, that many researchers choose to do work that “sells” rather than the work in which they have the best, most innovative ideas. So they work on incremental research and publish work that only a few people in the world will read in full, and forego starting projects for which they would have excitement and the potential to make a genuine contribution to STEM.

The tech industry lobbyists love to say that employers turn to hiring foreign workers because insufficiently many American students pursue graduate study. But they’ve got it exactly backwards; it’s the presence of foreign students that causes the low domestic numbers in graduate programs, due to downward pressure on salaries at the graduate level. This was recognized by the very same NSF in an internal memo back in 1989. The document explicitly called for bringing in more foreign students to reduce wages, thus giving NSF-funded research “more bang for the buck.”

Sadly, the Trump administration, ostensibly skeptics on the positive value of immigration, actually would increase the universities’ dependence on international students. This would be the effect of an NSF proposal to deal with the cuts by reducing the number of NSF graduate fellowships, which are open only to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.

There is nothing jingoistic about getting more domestic students into STEM graduate programs. The industry claims to want this, and even Hillary Clinton has called for increasing the number of NSF graduate fellowships.

In fairness, I shouldn’t be blaming the White House here. The idea of simply increasing reliance on foreign students seems to have come from NSF Director France Cordova, and, as noted above, is consistent with the NSF historical mindset. The agency, by the way, has often made supportive statements about foreign students to the press and Congress, and has proactively conducted its own research aimed at placing foreign students in a positive light, typically (and ironically) claiming no adverse effects on wages and so on.

Not only are the international students cheap, but they are also, ahem, “loyal.” This is well-known in academia, but for you outsiders, this quote neatly encapsulates the issue (n Computerworld, February 28, 2005):

Most of the students enrolled in the New Jersey Institute of Technology’s graduate program are foreign nationals. The Newark-based school has so far received 208 applications for admission in computer science master’s degree programs next year, with about 165 of those applications from foreign students, said Stephen Seideman, dean of the school’s college of computing science. The foreign students “will do everything they can to stay here,” he said.

The 1989 NSF report predicted, correctly as it turned out, that the stagnant wages resulting from the foreign influx would drive Americans away from grad programs. Even Texas Instruments, long in the vanguard of pressing Congress to expand the H-1B work visa program, testified that TI has no shortage of American applicants for engineering jobs; TI said the problem was lack of U.S. applicants with grad degrees. What TI didn’t mention is that, as seen above, the H-1B program caused that lack, rather than being a remedy for it.

So, for the NSF to turn to reducing a program for U.S. citizens and permanent residents as its first resort in coping with funding cuts is very troubling.

By contrast, the NIH’s proposal for handling budget cuts is to reduce university overhead charges, which run 50% or more at the large institutions. If, say, a researcher wants $250,000 of funding, the government agencies must pay her university $125,000 for “keeping the lights on,” for a total of $375,000. Needless to say, the overhead money goes to a lot more than electricity, often on things quite unrelated to research. In other words, funded research is a cash cow for the universities.Talk about money having distortionary effects!

Actually, the Obama administration tried to cut overhead charges, only to be pounced on by 600-pound gorillas like Harvard and MIT. A critic quoted in that linked article put it well:

Harvard is taking the government to the cleaners…The amount of taxpayer money that goes to support these private schools is immense, and of course, Boston is at the epicenter of this. The federal government should not be in the business of subsidizing building construction or administrative aggrandizement.

Reduction of allowable overhead charges is the obvious and most reasonable way for the federal government to reduce costs while maintaining quality of the research. It might mean that universities hire fewer administrators and build fewer rock climbing walls in the gym, but research level could be maintained and even increased. This would be true “bang for the buck.”

No question about it — the NSF and NIH have “made this country great” in the world of STEM. And it is not a question of whether basic or applied research should be funded; we need both, though of course the overall level we can afford is open to discussion. But the federal government, especially this administration, should not be taking measures that discourage American students from STEM graduate study.

69 thoughts on “Trump Administration Proposal Would Increase University Dependence on Foreign Students

  1. “But as with most activities in life, money has a distortionary effect on research. In many cases, it causes a professor to cross the line between scholar and entrepreneur…”

    A very timely observation, given that last night’s news report on one of our major local TV channels here in the Sacramento region (KCRA) included a short segment about a lawsuit, and countersuit, that involved your own institution Norm (UCD) and two former UCD scientists which, according to the report, inolved some serious legal squabbling between the University and the scientists in question, with both claiming rights to some commercially valuable research results relating to the cultivation of better strawberries. (Apparently, the University ultimately prevailed at trial, but the judge was critical of both sides.)


  2. I would have to say that reading between the lines might mean that Trump reducing funding is simply a way to discourage foreign students from getting grants for research and thus grad programs at universities.

    Let’s not forget that Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, and Larry Ellison never even graduated college, let alone had grad degrees.


      • >> Agree re Jobs etc. Have pointed this out many times.

        Looks like cartel is lobbying to water down the requirements for employment based soup visas — since Jobs et al., didnt graduate, our next gen innovators are going to be high school/dropout india borns .. Now, that would be the best thing the administration can ever do to the cartel. No funding to schools here. All the ‘high’ schooling would be done back in their country. Now, thats a win-win.

        Case in point – This is *exactly* how employers (all flavors) are bringing in their high school educated, India born employees lately via L1A / EB1C route.


      • Mark Zuckerberg came from a solid middle class background, and Bill Gates came from a prominent, well-off family. But Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison came from the lower class.


  3. Guess what? In secondary schools similar things are happening with international student enroll ment necessary to keep budgets balanced.


  4. I’m very leery of university “research”. Wall St. went out and bought itself all the university “research” it wanted to sell globalization, climate change, and carbon credits. They buy the bond ratings they need, as well as, the research they want.

    If a serious researcher wants to do serious work they can very likely get funding from some industry that might benefit from the research. Commercial funding is a lot more honest because the reputation of the business is involved. Both parties also have a better understanding of the field and the value of the findings.


    • Commercial funding, like Lucky Strike funding cancer cause studies in smoking adults? NSF/NIH is the lifeblood of unbiased research.

      Commercial funding is only relevant in research that can be commercialized. So that excludes any research related to effects of foreign student enrollment on wages 😀

      I think this is a bad move by Trump, it further alienates academia from the administration.

      -International Student


    • Many “Studies” are now funded by NASSCOM/USIN-PAC or India Incs in order to prove there is a shortage of workers or lack of talent. Lots of US companies and their PR firms also hire groups such as Brookings Institution to do similar paid studies. Of course all these fake paid “studies” are meant to justify more H1B.

      I think even Michio Kaku has been bought off by them. He even went so far as to make the outrageous claim that US universities were built by “foreign researchers”.

      “Studies” today are a lot like “news”. More often paid PR rather than any objective information.


      • The head of AILA once publicly stated that the organizations funds “research” to support its goals.

        I believe in Kaku’s case it is simply a racial issue. Whatever he motivation is, I wish someone would educate him.


  5. Thank you, Norm for this essay. Here are some relevant 24-year-old quotes from David Goodstein’s “Scientific Ph.D. Problems” which was published in The Spring, 1993 issue of The American Scholar, pp. 215-220 – For all six pages of Goodstein’s article, please contact me via email: c0030180 [at] airmail dot net.

    (c) 1993 Reprinted with permission of the author, David Goodstein.

    David Goodstein was the vice provost and professor of physics and applied physics at
    the California Institute of Technology, and author of States of Matter and the
    creator of the PBS television series “The Mechanical Universe”.

    ….The American taxpayer (both state and federal) is supporting extremely
    expensive research universities whose main educational purpose is to train students
    from abroad. When these students finish their educations, they either stay here,
    taking relatively high paying jobs that could have gone to Americans, or they go
    home, taking our knowledge and our technology with them.

    The American research universities are in a dither because Congress has
    discovered an interest in indirect cost payments on federal research grants and
    contracts, an issue so arcane it confuses the experts (I’m one of them). Congress
    and the public doesn’t seem to have noticed that, while largely ignoring our own
    students, we are putting our money and our best talent into training our economic
    competitors. Just wait until this one hits the fan.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. We need to outlaw lobbyists in general. Its destroying our government and corrupting our institutions

    On a side note, I’m finding that more and more of my former H1B co-workers are leaving the industry to start their own businesses. Most are starting non-IT businesses – restaurants, franchises, hotels, etc. They get Small Business Admin (SBA) loans for being minorities. It seems like the H1B visa is more of a way to immigrate to the US and eventually start their own business and be their own boss.


      • >> Sounds like they’re creating jobs

        But those jobs are not created for the Americans.They create jobs for their own ilk, their own ilk patronize the businesses they ‘create’ and so on. Zero assimilation.

        All the while Americans that lose their jobs to these H1s from India keep aging out, try to unionize, get taken for a ride by anyone that says they are ‘pro american’ and so on. When it should be these Americans that need to be creating these motels, hotels, what nots – or in tech.


      • How many are for their countrymen and how many are for others? The now US citizens I know who have formed their own companies are hiring H-1Bs from their home country without even looking for others they know are looking for jobs,


    • It is disgusting that a recent immigrant can receive a preference when the descendant of those who settled the country and even died for it are left out in the cold with nothing.


      • >>> It is disgusting that a recent immigrant can receive a preference when the descendant of those who settled the country and even died for it are left out in the cold with nothing.


        And if it’s *any* solace to us, those born in India that are on employment based queues will also die waiting to get their ‘fair share of rights’ aka entitlements.


          • >> Your word “solace” and sarcasm are out of line. Most of the American victims of H-1B do not bear ill will toward the H-1Bs.

            Most do not; Rest are certainly not paid comment-ers.


        • India has more young people under 30 than USA has people. The question is: with that kind of young manpower, why does India still have so many problems? And why hasn’t it yet created even one single Apple or Microsoft on its own. Out of those 300 million Indians under 30 there aren’t even a small group of a few hundred that cane get together and build something great? Really? With all that skill and talent? Really?

          Liked by 1 person

          • Like the Irish of the potato famine (caused by man made reasons) before me, I choose to not fix things back home and seek opportunities in USA where life is much easier.
            Too bad my ancestors were refused entry on US solid because of the Asia Exclusion Zone to exclude brown and oriental people.

            -International Student.


          • >> India has more young people under 30 than USA has people. The question is: with that kind of young manpower, why does India still have so many problems? And why hasn’t it yet created even one single Apple or Microsoft on its own. Out of those 300 million Indians under 30 there aren’t even a small group of a few hundred that cane get together and build something great? Really? With all that skill and talent? Really?

            Yup – Looks like they seem to busy spending their valuable time blaming others for their problems and a few are beating their trumpets that they made a ‘cheap’ (cost-effective?) space vehicle to Mars or Moon at 1/x price as that of NASA.


    • Who is more deserving of a SBA loan: A person trying to work his way out of coal country as a fourth generation underground miner and is now unemployed due to government policies or a former H-1B worker who has been making $60K plus per year? The former miner is not a minority and the former guest worker is. Who is more disadvantaged, more deserving of help? Who gets the preference?


      • Minority privilages have been put in place to help correct the years of discrimination against colored people.

        The fact that a small portion of population makes savvy (and legal) use of these privilages should not void the greater intent of minority loans.

        A lying cheating ex-con H1B getting an SBA loan; and an honest hard-working born in America coal mining Caucasian being denied one are mutually exclusive events and do not affect each other in any way whatsoever. This is not a zero sum game.

        You statement is more about limiting and denying an exH1B SBA loan out of spite rather than addressing the Appalachian coal miners situation.

        – International Student.


        • Of course it IS a zero-sum game. There is only a fixed amount of funding for SBA loans.

          What Cathy was objecting to, I believe, was the fact that the law treats immigrants of color as “minorities.” Nothing illegal here, just a law she doesn’t like.


          • You also presume that it is nonsensical to discriminate in immigration rules. The outlawed discrimination in the USA is to regulate relations among Americans in the ‘family’ here. There are valid reasons for not extending that regulatory anti-discrimination to proposed immigrants, not to mention the illegal aliens.

            Furthermore… We are at war, in case you did not notice. It is insane to take in those who would be combatants from the countries the USA is glaringly at war with or their allies. You may call it anti-Muslim but it is reality to not invite potential enemies to come behind your borders as you may agree…… How many other countries are so stupid as you are proposing we should be.

            Nor is it anything but nonsensical to advertise that you are really open to giving away the economy while undercutting the existing ‘family’ of your own nationals. At the moment and for quite a while in the recent past, or even not so recent several multiple decades, the economy here was not supporting the existing ‘family’ so the glad-handing politicians (and their banking gamblers) are to blame for the descending spiral. Ending that incoming flood of extra responsibilities is sensible and overdue.


          • The definition of “war” also seems to be changing.

            I’m in the middle on this. Last Fall, I agreed with then-Pres. Obama that we lose a lot of our cherished values in we start discriminating immigrants on the basis of religion or ethnicity. I still believe this. However, I also point out at the time that anyone has their tipping point. We have, say, 5 or 6 terrorist incidents in the U.S. per year. What if it were 50 or 60? 500 or 600? Hopefully these are unlikely, but my point is that everyone has a limit. Those who say we absolutely cannot screen in this way under any circumstance are unwittingly being hypocritical.


          • Except that creating “special classes” of people is illegal and forbidden under the US Constitution, which is exactly what Affirmative Action and race-based preferences do. I would even argue that today H1B is even such an illegal special class. Equal protection under the law is a legal requirement.


  7. Hello Norm and other readers,

    The staple act has been reintroduced by Congressmen Erik Paulsen and Mike Quigley.

    Anything related to staple passes (whether its staple to PHD’s or staple to Master’s), then the wages of US Citizens is going to be overrun by the flood of newly GC’ed stapled students.


    • There seems to be a lot of confusion over “staple”. There are two “staples”.

      One “staple” is the one that industry wants (staple a green card to the diploma). This is the one that most people talk about.

      The other “staple” is proposed legislation. STAPLE stands for “Stopping Trained in America Ph.D.s from Leaving the Economy act”. There is no mention of the MS degree. STAPLE removes the numerical cap for the PhD. The PhD does not have to worry about winning the lottery. No green card is stapled to the diploma. The PhD is still subject to indentured servitude by the employer. Perhaps the employer will not sponsor the PhD for a green card. If the PhD can not find a job then bye-bye.

      If staple the legislation becomes law then what will happen in the job market? Will employers be forced to pay a level 3 or 4 wage? Will companies say the PhDs are overqualified for the job? If PhDs can not find a job and are forced to leave the US then companies can no longer make the claim that we are training foreign students only to send them back home to compete against us because of stupid immigration policy, right?

      Perhaps staple the legislation will be modified to actually staple a green card to the diploma for both MS and PhD degrees.


      • Hey joe,
        Nice analysis. Thanks for pointing it out.

        Regarding what the industry wants, i.e Staple a green card to diploma / MS, why would the industry want to let go of the GC Sponsorship tether? Is flooding the market with waves of newly GC’ed university students to suppress the wages more attractive than the GC tethering?


        • This is one thing I am not sure about. There are some who claim that the industry people who say they support Staple a Green Card are lying, because they value the tethering so much. This could be the case, but there is another possibility, which is that with the current long green card waits, the foreign workers simply will stop coming here, resulting in loss of the young labor pool that I’ve brought up so often.


          • >> there is another possibility, which is that with the current long green card waits, the foreign workers simply will stop coming here

            Sorry, but this has fake news / cartel funded-MSM peddled narrative written all over it !!

            And here is the narrative thats being peddled around on the slight ‘dip’ in # of H-1 applications for FY 18 (depending on the “affinity” of the outlet/group) —

            1) ‘Indian workers are keeping away from US. We are losing lot of talent’


            2) ‘Fewer employers are sponsoring Indians on H-1s, thanks to aggressive and just policies of administration – Everyone and their neighbor should rejoice’

            graphic for # of H-1 applications in recent years here –

            The point still being – There are more than enough India born workers in multi life green card queues with aging Americans (not India born LPRs) losing their jobs every day that passes by. No one seems to have a *passable* solution in congress to address this.

            If the administration cannot implement the explicitly blessed congressional law (recent EO on travel ban), I wonder if we ever see the H-1/alphabet visas being stopped(or say, ‘reformed’) in our life time (Hint: Answer starts with N and ends with O)


      • If staple works on MS degrees, the PhD pipeline should dry up since I claim the main reason for a PhD is a fast track to a green card without an employer sponsor. PhD holders educated in other countries will come to the US for a year, transfer credits already earned, and get their GC. Why be a post doc at slave wages (< $36K in engineering at one of my local universities), when you can get an MS with a CPT and OPT for 3 years to keep from paying SS taxes, and a guaranteed GC.

        There will be a benefit, universities will actually have to hire research associates with BS and MS degrees; that pay is $72 to $90K (if you are the PI's wife; fact!!!) at the same university.


        • A PhD can put a foreign national on a fast track for a green card, but there still must be an employer sponsor. One can in fact self-sponsor under the National Interest Waiver, but that is the exception.


          • So what is to stop an H1B from India from coming in on H1B, working a bit, getting a PhD, then disappearing and opening their OWN staffing company and then sponsoring themselves for a green card? Anything?


          • >> So what is to stop an H1B from India from coming in on H1B, working a bit, getting a PhD, then disappearing and opening their OWN staffing company and then sponsoring themselves for a green card? Anything?

            Not possible. Especially for Indians, they cannot do anything until they get their LPRs (given the lifelong wait on Employment based queues for them)


          • It is still forbidden. You cannot sponsor yourself.

            @Glob – these PhDs are very interested in assimilating and becoming Americans, the white picket fence and everything… God bless America.

            -International Student


  8. Surprising details given the American tradition of Mercantile enterprise in overseas trade, to be somewhat late, as Australia has effectively financed its Tertiary industry with Overseas students for many years, though mostly undergraduate students, these funds free up the Post Graduate industry across the board.
    Incidentally another fact that may well gall US Universities, is the Free undergraduate courses which are on offer at all Universities across the Republic of Germany. Given the historical reality of German Universities, the option of free graduate degrees most be extremely attractive.


  9. This is another exhibition of the ‘sons of the soil’ theory and outlook which are so alien to human welfare and fraternity. Who prevents Americans from creating hotels or motels etc. and if Asiatic creators and businessmen of these hotels/motels are subsidized? If university research is real and useful, it has to be done by competent persons – guides and scholars – irrespective of their racist or nationalist identities. If an American is discriminated though he is competent that can be understood, protested against and corrected. But that does not give a warrant to discriminate against a competent and serious scholar simply because he is non-American. Some via media should be found out where respect for universal humanity and sufficient regard to local/country needs are properly balanced.


    • Thanks for the articulate and thoughtful comments.

      As far as I know, none of the posters here has objected to the “Patel motels.” But several HAVE objected to Minority Business Loans going to immigrants. I think this is something for which good arguments can be made on both sides, so I would ask that you try to see that there ARE two sides.

      But I strongly disagree with you concerning the issue of support for graduate student researchers. EVERY major country has various policies favoring citizens (the U.S. is more generous, because it also includes green card holders) over foreign nationals. EVERY country. Do really claim that all those countries are wrong? No one is saying we should ban foreign students from graduate study and research, as you are implying. Instead, the issue is who has access to a particular kind of research.

      The vast majority of Americans welcome foreigners. But almost none of them favors Open Borders. I really doubt that you do either.


    • Except in the case of India Incs, where the only fraternity is hiring of only 100% Indians, which is illegal under US law.

      And India and China certainly subscribe to the sons of soil theories as their borders are still closed to large numbers of US workers. China even banned NGOs last year because they “threaten the ethnic unity of the Chinese people”.

      It is very difficult to compete with subsidies, as China’s economy shows.

      India and China are the most nationalist countries on the planet but you don’t seem to have a problem with that. Your arguments only seem to apply to the west.

      “Universal humanity” does not allow one to violate the laws of nations with impunity. The world is not a free-for-all.

      Until India Incs. stop hiring 100% Indians and stop falsely claiming the Americans who built Silicon Valley are not qualified to work in IT, you’re in no position to be lecturing anyone about “sufficient regard to local/country needs”.

      It is illegal to hire ANY foreign worker under US law if Americans are unemployed. Period. The law is the law.


      • >> It is illegal to hire ANY foreign worker under US law if Americans are unemployed. Period. The law is the law.

        ..or so, we are “repeatedly” told. Very few (if any) voices are out there to tell us that everything that is happening is according to the law and that law is being followed in letter and “spirit” to the last dot by everyone out there.


        • I believe that if someone who knows the situation on the Hill were to be asked, they would answer that the prevailing wage provision etc. address that.


  10. OT, As I watched the Memorial Day concert Sunday night, I had tears in my eyes and a pain in my heart both for those lost and the future they expected to leave for their children and grandchildren gone due to the actions of elected representatives more interested in their own legacy than that of the people both groups had chosen to serve.

    As I have grown older I find my view of current events is very much a function of my personal history and my ancestry. I have lived in a foreign country during a revolution, did the drop to the floor and hide under the desk during bomb drills in school during the Cold War, was a college student during the Viet Nam war at a university that had sit-ins and aggressive demonstrations where I was afraid to walk through the cafeteria/student center due to the non-students there and have high school friends not return home, watched the Greatest Generation give their children opportunities never expected during their childhoods with much pride in their accomplishments, worried about both son and son-in-law while they served and continue to serve in the military, listen to my grandchildren talk about missing their dad, reassure my daughter while being terrified as well given the current political situations both here and abroad. So as you find my comments unusually harsh, know that my experiences very much color my view of the present and expectations for the future. At this point, I am not optimistic.

    I spent my work career trying not to be different. As the only woman engineer and one of only two women graduating that year from the BS STEM programs, it was hard not to stand out. It was a sign that I succeeded when I was promoted to senior design engineer and offered the opportunity most of my colleagues chose. It was also a sign if the times when it was accepted that I chose to remain in a position that I loved, no one else wanted and had the added benefit that I did not have to travel due to my family responsibilities. I very much dislike the professional societies that segregate colleagues by gender or ethnicity designed to obtain special consideration for their special group after working so hard not to be viewed as special.

    I am angry that I feel it essential to dissuade my math, science (she is looking forward to dissecting a frog -ugh), train and robot loving granddaughter from studying engineering because there is no future for her in the field at this time or in the foreseeable future. I do not want her going to college in an environment where women are discriminated against by fellow students at some universities with large international student populations (How can you tell unless you are there?)

    I am not exaggerating the problems at the universities; one son received death threats from his Asian roommate (kid was removed from room but not dismissed from the university) and his Middle Eastern (during the Iraq war) one was much better. Another had the university refuse to give him a NATO country roommate which he requested so his security clearance would not be jeopardized. (It was not a racial thing because his first roommate during his training was an African American who he knew from the university; they lived in FL; it was not the segregated South in the 90s but close.) I won’t go into the fraud by some Asian colleagues. Foreign students became more aggressive during husband’s 40+ year career; in one case a foreign student tried to kill one of his colleagues on campus. He would come home emotionally drained after grades were released having been browbeaten all day by primarily international students who “needed” a better grade to remain in the country or to keep their government or corporate scholarship. I did come to fear for the safety of both faculty and students especially after tragedies such as VA Tech and seeing flags from foreign countries often hostile to the US hanging in dorm windows. I would occasionally deliver food for the departmental parties for the students; it became so uncomfortable to walk into the main engineering building during class change times that I quit doing so.

    Our elected leaders must find a way to make the country welcoming to immigrants who want to contribute to its future heart and soul while protecting the legacy created by the blood and tears of the past. As to the guest workers and students who are coming for the money, to bring elderly parents to dump on our social services or who intend to retire to their home country with their short timer Social Security (they get more return on their investment than long time workers), please do not deprive a future real American of the opportunity by your selfishness. Your country needs you far more than the US does.

    Even though you disapprove of our government’s policies both at home and abroad, please remember those who serve not only in the military but also in law enforcement, homeland security, safety services, and emergency health care; they may also disagree with specific policies but follow the rules that are essential to efficient functioning of the organizations. (When you are up to your ears in alligators, there is no time to discuss the best way to drain the swamp.) These are the people who run into danger when we others are running away. Please show them respect (even when you have just received a speeding ticket 🙂 ) and thank them for their service. Please work to give them, their children and grandchildren the opportunities we came to take for granted but which now are being lost. What we can do for them benefit all.

    I also want to thank the posters to this blog for their insight and commitment to this issue that affects so many American tech workers today and to thank Norm for his years of, as my sister accuses me of doing, tilting at windmills trying to effect change to protect American workers while still recognizing the importance of immigrants today as well as yesterday.

    Thanks and good night.


    • Very passionate post Cathy. I am just interested to know, since you conclude with recognizing the importance of immigrants; what kind of immigrants do you prefer being allowed on American soil.

      My respect to the brave souls of all soldiers around the world.

      -International Student


    • I was quite blown away by this, not for the reason you gave necessarily but because I actually met this professor many years ago, and took him out to dinner. Now I read in your link that this quiet, mild-mannered guy with a heavy accent is married to singer Rita Coolidge!


      • I remember going to his office hours and all his research “interns” (about 4 of them) were freshmen girls of Japanese origin. He eventually failed me for asking too many questions and pointing out that what he was teaching was incorrect. The favoring of young foreign students (maybe in this case there was an alterior motive for 4 young girls being his “interns”) is prevalent everywhere.


  11. 6 Chinese Men Indicted in Theft of Code From U.S. Tech Companies

    WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Tuesday announced the arrest of a Chinese professor and the indictment of five other Chinese citizens in what it contended was a decade-long scheme to steal microelectronics designs from American companies on behalf of the Chinese government.
    The indictment, under a provision of the Economic Espionage Act that is used only in cases where the government believes it can prove the theft was on behalf of a foreign power, was the largest since five members of the People’s Liberation Army were indicted last year, accused of hacking into the computer systems of American companies to steal technology for state-owned Chinese companies.


      • They don’t care? Really? They don’t care if their trade secrets are being stolen by foreign powers who will put them out of business? Epic Systems cared – enough to sue Tata for close to $1 billion for trade secret theft.


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